Hon. Ester Alexander (District Commissioner for Mbozi District Songwe Region)
Managing Director
Dear Parents,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Intel Vibrant English Medium schools, we are deeply committed to ensuring that every day each and every student has the attention and care of our professional staff. We provide exemplary educational perspectives that nurture national and International perspectives so that our students demonstrate excellent academic progress and achievement while at Intel. They become molded in the important qualities of integrity, leadership, adaptability, resilience and true compassion for others.
The unique and beautiful campus in Terrat – Muriet/Mkonoo is the backdrop for a school determined to have a profoundly positive impact on the personal lives of its students as well as assuring moving forward in preparing students to be successful as modern global citizens. Our school motto: “Training the heart and building the character” in essence, identifies our critical focus as Intel enables the development of the skills, knowledge, values and attribute needed for your child’s lifelong learning and community service.
I am inspired by the possibilities that exist for our school over year and in the years to come. Whether you are new to Intel schools or have been a part of our community for some time, please accept my invitation to our schools where the success of your child is our responsibility.